Land Your Spot on Dream Podcasts!

It’s time for you to enjoy algorithm-free marketing, generate easy peezy sales, and create credibility without the cringe…

I already know I want to do this!!!

Pitch Perfect 8 Week Guesting Bootcamp



Are you tired of creating low converting, SHORT-FORM content?

If you answered yes, keep reading - this is for you.

I’m Ready!

Look, I’m not a multi-millionaire with access to unlimited resources to hire video teams, editors, producers, and graphic designers. If you’re a podcaster or business owner, you’ve probably heard “gurus” like the maniacal Gary Vee scream at you that you need to be on all platforms, all the time, posting 3-5x a day. IDK about you, but I’m kinda… Lazy? Simply put - I like doing the least amount of work for the most amount of return. Don’t you?



Testimonial from LIZ M.

“This course is a game-changer! Chelsea is incredibly knowledgable and inspiring. I learned so much more beyond just "how to pitch" - I sharpened my writing and speaking skills, and gained a lot of clarity that I wasn't expecting. I loved the safe and supportive group environment that allowed us all to confidently put what we learned into action. 11/10!”

“Guesting”, as the kids say, is one of the highest converting, low lift tactics you can add to your marketing toolkit, and I am going to teach out exactly how to do it inside this 8 week bootcamp!

This is from my ACTUAL 1:1 application form! ^^

Let’s do some back-of-the-napkin math on why being a guest on podcasts is such a high-converting tactic:

Take a look at this:

  • You secure 4 interviews a month - 48 interviews per year

  • Each interview is 60 mins - that’s 48 hours of your story living EVERGREEN online (podcasts don’t disappear like IG Stories or fall into the TikTok blackhole. People also don’t “hate-listen” to pods…)

  • Let’s say each episode receives 500 listeners (being conservative) - 500 listeners x 48 interviews = 19,200 listeners (which is enough people to fill a concert venue by the way!)

  • Now, imagine just 1% of those listeners wanted more YOU - they opt-in to your email list, buy your course, purchase your products - that would be 192 clients!!!

  • Take 192, multiply it by your most popular or highest ticket item…yeah - did your eyes pop? Jaw drop? This is possible when you know how to POSITION yourself 👀

  • Just for fun - bump the conversion rate up to 3%….WOWZA. You see - being a guest closes the gap from cold leads to searing hot prospects with just one incredible interview in 60 mins or less.

For What it’s Worth I’m not a mathematician, but I am a business owner who is BUSY AF and wears 13 different hats. Accountant, consultant, copywriter, graphic designer… the list goes on; I have limited time to share my work as I serve my clients at the highest level. You do too - that’s why you’re here. How can we maximize your impact and visibility (and let’s be honest, income) in the most fun, easy, and highest converting way?


    • Overview of the importance of guesting on other podcasts and how one great interview can turn into ongoing sales + visibility

    • Understanding the benefits for both guests and hosts - trust me when I say the hosts need you just as much as you need them

    • Identifying target podcasts: niche, audience, format. We’re not pitching any ole podcasts on the internet - we’ll get into the details of how to find the peanut butter to your jelly when it comes to guesting

      • THURSDAY OCT 17TH - Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Research and list potential podcasts to pitch to

    • Understand how to pitch yourself without 10k IG followers or a huge email list

    • Understanding the host’s perspective and needs

    • Crafting an effective elevator pitch using psychology, not just flashy copy (you’ll learn some of that too!)

    • Tailoring pitches and why we don’t “spray and pray” podcast hosts

      • WEDS OCT 23RD - Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Draft your first pitch for a selected podcast

    • Reviewing and refining pitch drafts in small groups or pairs - two brains is always better than one, and using constructive feedback, you’ll edit together to create “HOLY SHIT - YES!” style pitches

    • Tips for making your pitch stand out amongst the sea of PR pitches crawling around hosts’ inboxes

    • Addressing common mistakes and pitfalls - what to avoid

      • THURSDAY OCT 31ST- Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Finalize and polish your pitch for submission

    • Strategies for finding contact information for podcast hosts when contact info isn’t easily available

    • Using your network constellation to make intros, and build a tracker for easy visibility

    • Crafting compelling subject lines and email introductions

    • Following up effectively without being pushy or annoying AF

      • THURSDAY NOV 7TH - Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Send out your pitches to selected podcasts

    • Go through common rejections and why this happens - it’s not because you’re a P.O.S. - it’s usually timing, wording, or positioning

    • How to reply (and potentially turn a no into a yes!)

    • Practice reading each other’s and what you would fix

    • Understanding interview formats and styles and how to nail yours when the time comes (and get more invites to other podcasts!)

    • Preparing talking points and stories to share

    • Practicing speaking confidently and naturally, not like a TedTalk robot

      • THURSDAY NOV 14TH - Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Draft up replies to rejections and practice with cohort - receive feedback from group

    • Tips for a successful podcast interview experience - booking yourself is one thing, being a standout guest is another

    • Handling nerves and unexpected questions - what if the vibes are OFF?!

    • Leveraging interviews for maximum exposure and networking - one interview could open dozens of more media opportunities if you know how to market yourself

      • THURSDAY NOV 21ST - Get Shit Done Accountability Session: Create your Media Kit, Press Playlists, or Press Section on your site. Keep following up on pitches

    • Strong and smart people don’t finish first, brave ones do. But fear, perfectionism, and self-criticism can block people from living their version of a brave life. In this blunt and heartfelt talk, Pitch Perfect Bootcampers will learn that:

      • someone needs a braver version of you to exist

      • a rock bottom could be the making of you

      • love, inspiration & purpose live close to home

      • anyone can trade in a beige life for a brave one

    • WEDS NOV 27TH: Self-paced training video lesson drops - do your own at home GSD and get ready for Week 8!

  • You’ve integrated what you’ve learned, drafted pitches, and now it’s time for some final polishing off before officially hitting “SEND” to your dream podcast host. We’ll work live as a group to provide feedback and edits, making sure you’re building a process you can rinse and repeat to keep landing yourself on chart-topping podcasts!

“I truly loved Pitch Perfect Bootcamp. I always enjoy Chelsea's courses because she leaves time for working hours and as a group we get to work on the "homework" assignments together and get real feedback. Chelsea is truly an expert when it comes to all different angles of podcasting and when you're building a business and focusing on visibility, podcast guesting is one of the ways to get there.

The lessons are jam packed with new knowledge, tools, strategies of how to pitch, and gain more traction for your biz. The great part about it is that we get lifetime access to the content so if you need more time to work on a lesson you can learn it on your time and let the content really sink in and marinade. This is a great skillset to have in your toolbox and I'm looking forward to applying it to my own line of biz in the women's empowerment space.”

— Lisa M.



Podcast guesting is the golden ticket to converting aligned listeners into clients. And it’s not as hard as you think! Hosts always need guests - the problem? The pitches floating in their inbox right now are giving “barely researched” “overcomplicated” or “not a good fit” energy.

Can’t blame the pitchers! Not many resources exist online to help them. Sure, there are a few pitch templates online, or databases full of hosts’ contact info, but that’s like giving a baker sprinkles and saying “make me a cake!” Where’s the sugar? The batter? The FROSTING? There is a personal touch needed to pitch successfully, and that’s exactly what you’re going to learn inside this 8 week bootcamp. Research, positioning, standing out - the 3 keys to landing yourself high-converting guest podcast spots!

I’m Chelsea!

〰 Podcast Host of *In My Non-Expert Opinion - Top 1% Global Podcast*

〰 Podcast Strategist

〰 Creator

〰 Master’s in Digital Media + Storytelling from Loyola Chicago

〰 Writer - Slight Turbulence Substack

〰 Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising

〰 6/2 Reflector in Human Design

About 3 years ago, I wanted to strangle Instagram by the throat. I thought my transition to my running my own online business using social media would be a cake-walk 🍰 after working in influencer and content marketing for years in Corporate America with brands like M&M’s, Yahoo, and Dell. I developed content-driven social campaigns for the biggest media agencies in the world. Social media should’ve been easy peezy lemon squeezy.

Turns out - spending HOURS a day in Canva messing with the alignment of text, cutting 23 slices of video to make a cooler transition, and dealing with the NEVER-ENDING changes of the algorithm was pretty fkn exhausting. Even more soul-crushing, it was straight up not converting.

So I started using my sales skills from managing my team at my corporate gig, combined with my expert knowledge of the podcast industry and 7+ years running my podcast, to start pitching myself as a guest. GUESS WHAT? It worked! I started booking aligned podcast appearances, and saw how people would invest in my work immediately after the interview aired. 💰

^^ this inquiry turned into a $10K+ sale

After one particularly successful interview, my 1:1 slots, priced at over $3000 per package, got booked up within 5 days. I had clients for MONTHS!!! From ONE interview. It felt like I found a precious silky pearl in the bottom of the ocean. And now, I want to share those pearls with you! 🪄

THIS PROGRAM!!! It is SO much more than just a course about pitching. I feel like I went to copywriting, business, and general life skills school! Moving through this program I gained more clarity around my business and who I'm serving. I had so many aha moments about the way I want to position myself in the market. I learned to not be so boring and stuffy and how to infuse my true personality into my biz (like who even knew that was really possible?!) If you're on the fence about this course, all I can say is that it was the best investment I've made in a long time. I'm writing better, I'm speaking more clearly, and I'm fearlessly promoting my business with confidence I thought would take years to cultivate. Oh, and I'm pitching my dream podcasts!! Thank you, Chelsea!!

Caroline F.

🔥 After dozens of appearances on chart-topping shows, I started offering pitching services to clients…and yet again, business was BOOMIN’! After securing 3 guest spots for my 1:1 client, she booked out her 1:1 high-ticket coaching packages, and STILL gets applications to work with her from those appearances. *Winning* Charlie Sheen voice

This is a LIVE bootcamp, where you’ll learn with a small group of people hungry for the same goal - landing aligned AF guest spots on top-ranking shows!



  • 6 x 60 min live trainings with me - a top 1% Podcast Host who considers pitching her zone of genius

  • 8 x 60 min GSD (Get Shit Done) accountability sessions - we’ll co-work together as a small group to research hosts, craft pitches, edit, refine, and send out our eye-poppin’ pitches!

  • 1 x Guest Expert Training with Iona Holloway - Becoming The Bravest Person in the Room

  • Community Hub on Slack - you’ll stay connected with members of the bootcamp for 8 weeks, where you can ask questions, receive feedback, celebrate, or send memes - it’ll be a vibe.

  • Replays of all live trainings

  • Pitch Tracker Database to keep track of your pitches, follow-ups and wins

  • Pitch Templates - you can swipe the exact copy I’ve used to land Top 1% show guest appearances

  • Resources and tools to assist in your pitching skills beyond the bootcamp


  • A Done-For-You, highly curated pitch list of five (5) aligned shows to pitch to (including contact emails + links) created by Chelsea (a Top 1% Podcast Host who’s been in the game for 7+ years)!

  • 1 extra week of additional Slack support (consider Chelsea in your back-pocket on speed dial for a whole extra week!)

  • All this for just $500 extra!

  • Total investment: $2000



  • 6 x 60 min live trainings with me - a top 1% Podcast Host who considers pitching her zone of genius

  • 8 x 60 min GSD (Get Shit Done) accountability sessions - we’ll co-work together as a small group to research hosts, craft pitches, edit, refine, and send out our eye-poppin’ pitches!

  • 1 x Guest Expert Training with Iona Holloway - Becoming The Bravest Person in the Room

  • Community Hub on Slack - you’ll stay connected with members of the bootcamp for 8 weeks, where you can ask questions, receive feedback, celebrate, or send memes - it’ll be a vibe.

  • Replays of all live trainings

  • Pitch Tracker Database to keep track of your pitches, follow-ups and wins

  • Pitch Templates - you can swipe the exact copy I’ve used to land Top 1% show guest appearances

  • Resources and tools to assist in your pitching skills beyond the bootcamp

  • Total investment: $1500



Recognize these names?? I booked all of them on my clients’ podcasts - and I’m going to teach you exactly how to position yourself and get in front of names like this!

🎤 Tero Isojkauppila - CEO of Four Sigmatic

🎤 Suzy Batiz - CEO of Poo-Pouri + Supernatural

🎤 Kenzie Burke - Founder of BodyFrwd + Brûlé

🎤 Puno - Founder of Ilovecreatives.com

🎤 JT Barnett - Content Creator

🎤 Manoj Dias + Raed Khawaja - Co-Founders of Open Mindfulness

🎤 Liz Tran - Author of “The Karma of Success” + Founder of ResetNYC

🎤 Nicole Neuroscience - Author of “Rewire” + Neuroscience Expert

🎤 Em on the Brain - Neuroscientist + Coach + Consultant

🎤 Dr. Scott Lyons - Author of “Addicted to Drama”, Founder of The Embody Lab + Omala

🎤 Maike Gabriela - Human Design Expert

🎤 Ailey Jolie - Pyschotherapist

🎤 Pea The Feary - Energetic Strategist for Creatives

🎤 Andy McCune - CEO of Cosmos

🎤 Awakening with Brian - Transformational Coach

🎤 Frank Bach - Designer at Instagram, Founder of Sunshine Shop



  • You have a business and want more visibility, credibility and sales through podcast guesting

  • You’re a podcast host that’s podcasted for 6+ months and has around 20 episodes published

  • You have a launch coming up - you’re selling a product, publishing a book or running a course and desire aligned clients and customers without relying on social media

  • You’re sick of algorithms and creating content for social media

  • You’ve tried EVERY digital marketing tactic and nothing seems to work - you want to experiment with podcast guesting


  • You want to offload the work to a Done-For-You provider and not craft pitches yourself (check out my Discovery Call link if you want to see how I can help you with this!)

  • You don’t enjoy talking to people

  • You don’t vibe out with long-form conversations

  • You don’t have a podcast, brand, business, or offer to promote

  • You can’t make the 8 weeks of calls and accountability sessions. While there are replays, the success comes from doing the work together as a cohort, and you’ll find the most value this way.


SPACES ARE LIMITED TO 14 PEOPLE ONLY. Take advantage and join us by MONDAY, OCTOBER 14TH at 9 am EST before we fill up!

“Chelsea is one of a kind. I like to call her the Podcast Queen. She's been there, she's seen it all, tried all the things, and is bursting to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know re: pitching, podcasts, guesting. She seamlessly flows through the big picture, the mindset, and also the knitty-gritty, down to equipment. The pitching skills taught in this course go far beyond just pitching to guest on podcasts. I've already used these skills successfully in several areas of my businesses. Chelsea is all the things. She can get spiritual and artsy, while also being organized AF. She has a knack for seeing your blind spots and gently reflecting them back to you. Thank you Chelsea!! I hope to work together again in the future.”


❓ FAQS - so glad you asked! ❓

I’M almost Ready - But I have Questions!

  • Nope! Being a guest on other podcasts doesn’t mean you need to have a podcast. Think of some guests you’ve heard on shows - not all of them host podcasts. However, a massive goal of guesting is building brand visibility and driving sales, so it’s highly encouraged you have a brand, business or offer to promote.

  • YES. ALWAYS. They will be uploaded into the course hub 24 hours after the training.

  • Big followings are like cherries on top of a sundae - nice to have, but not necessary. What makes a successful pitch is how you position yourself to a podcast host, and how you plan to help them or their listeners - whether that’s entertaining storytelling about your travels around Europe on a digital nomad podcast, or teaching about cycle syncing on a health show, or how to break your anxious attachment style with a relationship expert - there’s always a host that needs an expert or guest to converse with and fill in the gaps for their audience. You’ll learn how to make your own secret sauce to get loads of “yes - let’s do this!” replies to your pitches.

  • Each week, we will meet live for 2 hours - once on Tuesdays for training, once on Thursdays for accountability. There is one week where the schedule changes (Sept 18th and 19th are back to back trainings). All meeting times are at 11 am EST / 8 am PST.

    You’re investing 16 hours total for the live component. It’s highly recommended you continue building your pitch list, tweaking your pitches, and sending them off during the bootcamp, outside of our meetings. I’d say dedicate 1 hour a week to your own development. The more you put into this bootcamp, the more you’ll get out! And trust me when I say, guest spots are the gifts that keep on giving! Nail this skill, and watch the trajectory of your business change. ⚡️

  • Yes! I have a limited number of 1:1 Done-For-You pitch services I offer each quarter. If space allows, we can chat about me handling your pitches. I’m also offering a special deal if you want to learn this skill inside this bootcamp AND have me handle your pitches. If you bundle up both the bootcamp AND my 3 month 1:1 service, I’ll offer you $200 off the bootcamp! Email me info@chelseariffe.com or book a call HERE to see if this is a good fit for you and where you’re at.

  • The recordings of each sessions and all templates will be available for life - as long as Riffe Media LLC is around. I will only be active in the Slack Channel during live rounds of the bootcamp. (Round 2 is August 6th - Sept 27th, 2024 — I will log off Slack at 6pm CEST Friday Sept 27th until the next cohort starts in October).


Alright bb - the choice is yours! Stress-free marketing, algorithm-less sales, fun storytelling with vibey hosts… get ready for it all inside Pitch Perfect 8 Week Guesting Bootcamp!

Have any further questions? Email info@chelseariffe.com or slide in my DM’s on Instagram @chelseariffe.